Set Up Your Business Fleet Cards Today
Is it a hassle for your employees to wash their vehicles, because they always have to ask for cash? Do you want to allow your employees to wash the company vehicles at any time, without having to talk with you first? Then our Business Fleet Cards are the perfect fit.
How It Works
When you set up business fleet cards with us, you can give each of your employees a fleet card or simply keep them in each company vehicle. That way, when your employees to wash their vehicle, they can pull into our car wash, swipe the fleet card, and wash their vehicle. Now, they don’t have to contact you every time they need their vehicle washed. This saves you a lot of time and headache! At the end of every month, we will send you an invoice via mail or email. Whichever you prefer.
How To Get Started
Step 1:
Fill out the form below, and submit payment to activate your business fleet card account. You can have as many cards as you’d like!
Step 2:
Wash your company vehicles anytime at our car wash. No more hassle with cash floating around!
Step 3:
We will send you an invoice at the end of every month with the total amount of car washes your company had. It’s an easy way for your employees to keep the vehicles clean!

To create a business fleet card account, please fill out the form below to get started. Once the form has been submitted and payment has been made, we will email you letting you know your cards have been shipped and that your account has been created. Please allow 3-5 business days for the cards to be shipped.
Q: Is there a monthly charge if we set up our account?
A: No. There is only a one time set up fee. There isn’t any additional fee’s after that.
Q: What if we loose our cards, can we get new ones?
A: Yes! It does cost $5 per replacement card. We will send them in the mail, simply email us at rockincarwash@gmail.com letting us know which card you lost (if you know the number or the name assigned to the card) and who to send the replacement card to.
Q: Can we use the cards at anytime?
A: Yes! Our car wash is open 24/7. You can wash your vehicles at anytime.
Q: How does the billing work?
A: We will send you an invoice at the end of each month with the total amount you owe.
Q: Do I have to own a business, to set up an account?
A: No! Business Fleet Cards aren’t only for businesses. They can be for anyone who see’s it being a good fit.